Why eBill Pro - Manufacturer Package ?
eBill Pro Production Package developed for all kind of production which developed for Fly ash bricks, interlocking tile and blocks industry to manage their account, sale, stock, GST Return and Production process. eBill-PRO developed with the help of efficient and experienced minds of Unilead team, Traders, fly ash business owner, Block and tile industrialist, CA, Accountants and other Concerns.
1.Instant information of production and Auto Consumption of raw material used for final product.
2.Reminder for All payment and receipt related to business means when and how much pay to them.
3.How much GST and other taxes has to pay by them and ready to upload with JSON file Supported by GST Portal.
4.Auto feature for eWay Billing so layman can generate the eWay bill on single click.
5.Auto evaluate the Per Pcs Price of final product.
Manufacturer Package
Can call any time in working hours for free live demonstration of Complete Accounting & Production management Software. We are 100% sure that you will be impressed by its features, flexibility and user friendly interface!!
If you are accountant, then our Accountant version give you all feature and flexibility which is the basic need of all professional and accountants.
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